Student Experience

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Discover how you can use your pharmacy background to improve pharmacy services!

  • Clinical Workflow

  • Product Design

  • Operations

  • Marketing

  • Web Design

  • Social Media

  • Coding

  • Product Testing

  • Project Management

  • Research

  • Video Editing

  • Patient Handouts

  • and more!

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University of British Columbia
4th year
(3 months)
I was the very first UBC student to get a rotation with MedEssist.

I'm really happy that I picked this one as my top choice and was able to get it! I didn't know that pharmacists could have such a unique role in tech. I always thought the career paths for pharmacists to be community, hospital, industry, and academia, but now my eyes have been opened to a whole new possibility!

Some of the highlights of my experience with MedEssist were being involved in designing, testing, and launching new features like the Task Manager and Prescribe tools. I was also able to confidently demo the platform to pharmacies, encourage them to use specific features tailored to their practice and have it be received very positively!

Overall, I had a really great experience! The MedEssist team is extremely supportive and forward-thinking, so working with everyone has been very exciting.

I definitely felt joy helping pharmacists learn the platform and seeing how MedEssist can positively impact their pharmacy.

I found that answering questions related to the product and helping them figure out the answer felt good.

Before, I did not know a lot about start-ups and how they function, in addition to how digital platforms like MedEssist work. I learned how useful they can be and how working in a startup environment is drastically different. I also learned more about the weak points of pharmacists and how MedEssist helps to target them. Now, I can be more relatable in a community pharmacy setting and suggest ways that could improve their practice.

Some advice I have for future students is to dive deep into the platform and figure out every nook and cranny. Being proficient in how to use MedEssist can go a long way and will help with onboarding and talking to customers. Have an open mind and speak up when you see something that can be improved or added.


University of Waterloo, 3rd year
(4 months)


University of Waterloo, 2nd year
(4 months)
My experience at MedEssist was unlike any traditional “pharmacy co-op” job I could ever apply for.

The most memorable experience would hands-down be working with a great team of individuals. I enjoyed getting to work with other students, and meeting new people from different provinces across Canada. The MedEssist environment was a safe space to try out new ideas, and be supported by an encouraging team. The role pushed me out of my comfort zone to try new things and gave me a changed perspective on how to approach pharmacy.

As a quiet individual, being assertive with customers over the phone was something I wasn’t used to. It was more of a personal challenge but something I developed over my 4 months at MedEssist to grow my confidence.

MedEssist has taught me many hard and soft skills, specifically stemming from my experiences with the marketing side of things. One unexpected but fun thing I learned over this co-op was a little bit of coding for website design!

I made a significant effort to improve my comfort around speaking with current & potential clients

(especially as a temp student!). The lead-generating calls & client success conversations helped me build my confidence, and still help me to this day! I also tore my Achilles tendon during my placement & didn't get to finish my placement in-person with the Toronto team (but thankful I could still contribute from home on crutches & in a cast). I wish I had more time with the team!

Looking back, I definitely should have went to our Toronto office for more in-person working hours. That's where some of my favourite moments came from. At MedEssist, I learned that the majority of community pharmacies in Canada are independently owned! There are options beyond corporate big-box pharmacies, and now I work with an incredible independent pharmacy team.

My advice for future students is be open, assertive, and willing to work outside of your comfort zone. There's a lot to learn within this team, as long as you ask and follow-through.


University of Toronto, 4th year
(5 weeks)